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Comprehensive Assessment Services

SoCal Education Solutions
SoCal Education Solutions
a black and white photo of a white wall


IQ Testing
IQ Testing

SoCal Education Solutions provides comprehensive evaluations that are tailored to explore your educationally related areas of concern. Our specialties include:

  • ADHD testing

  • Learning disabilities, including:

    • Dyslexia testing

    • Dyscalculia testing

  • Autism assessments

  • Executive functioning evaluations

  • Depression assessments

  • Anxiety assessments

After completion of the assessment:

  • Dr. Melara will meet with you to explain what the results mean and review the individualized recommendations to target educational needs.

  • You will be provided with a written assessment report outlining the educational strengths, weaknesses, and any diagnoses that have been provided.

The assessment report can help you in the following ways:

  • Your child's school can use the information to better assist your child at school.

  • Your school can consider whether your child should be assessed for a special education Individualized Education Program (IEP) or for a Section 504 Plan.

    • If your child is already eligible for an IEP or Section 504 plan, you can submit the report to your child's IEP or 504 team for consideration.

  • If you are a college or university student student, you can submit the assessment report to your school's Disability Services office to request accommodations.

Independent Educational Evaluations

Parents are entitled to request a second opinion if they disagree with the results of their school's special education assessment. This second opinion is known as an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) and is funded by the school district but is conducted by an independent assessor such as SoCal Education Solutions.

SoCal Education Solutions provides IEE assessments that are focused entirely on the student and the student's needs based on the data obtained in order to provide unbiased recommendations to the IEP team. As a former school psychologist with 20 years of experience in the school system, Dr. Melara is an expert in conducting assessments, determining whether the student is eligible for special education, and making recommendations for goals and services.